Thank you for your interest in starting up a Men’s Kitchen in your area. On this page we will try and answer some of the more frequently asked questions by those considering forming a Men’s Kitchen.
For a couple of reasons really. Firstly, there is a huge need. In our age group the men went to work and earned the family income and the women generally ran the family and household. As a result, many men over 60 just have no idea of what to do to prepare a meal. As we age, the possibility of the man in the house needing to prepare meals becomes increasingly likely. However, just because we are called the Men's Kitchen it does not preclude women joining too if their cooking skills need to be developed.
By starting up a Men’s Kitchen in your area, you would be providing a forum for these people to pick up some kitchen skills and to do so in a friendly social environment.
Many find the thought of creating such a place very rewarding, and once they start a Men’s Kitchen operation, that reward is realised.
To start up a Men’s Kitchen in your area you need to have a couple of people work with us to get started. We will need someone to manage the administrative aspects of the Kitchen, willing to organise the funding and venue and recruit participants. As we move forward, together we will build the team to support the launch.
We can assist here. We have gathered the ABS population statistics about all Australian local government areas and will be able to guide you in determining how many men over 60 are living in your area.
To initially set up the Kitchen it will take up to six months to: identify the two people mentioned above and train them in our processes; to recruit 6-10 men; and to locate and set up a Kitchen to suit your operation.
The venue for a Men’s Kitchen is typically some sort of a public building with a suitable kitchen. You may find that in a council facility, church hall, school facility or a commercial kitchen. We can assist in the process of selecting and suitably equipping your kitchen.
We can assist in many ways, from providing speakers to talk about the Men’s Kitchen at a public meeting, to providing training and documentation to support your rollout process. We have the experience to pass on to help your efforts to set up your Men’s Kitchen. We may also be able to assist you a little financially to get started.
Absolutely! In our age group it is the men who need to develop their kitchen skills, but in many cases it is the women have the years of kitchen experience. We welcome women to join us in a voluntary capacity to take on some of the roles needed to run your local Men’s Kitchen.
Regardless of where you live please register your interest with us. Either email us on or give us a call on 0411 476 532. We would love to hear from you and be willing to work with you to establish a Men’s Kitchen in your area.
Old Dogs. New Tricks. Great Mates.